Butch_New_Logo2.pngCall To Decision Ministries


Bible Study

Join Pastor Butch
for Bible Study

Usually the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturday
If different an announcement will be posted to Facebook and the front page of this website

Worship service begins at 10:30 AM Eastern and runs until 11:15 PM.   Current events begin at 11:30 - 12:30 Bible Study begins at 1:00 PM and runs until 2:00 PM Eastern. We also have a live, call-in phone line during the broadcast so you can ask questions or just say “howdy”. This is active only during the live stream

Call 304-591-6993 for questions

Listen by telephone.

  • 339-209-5013

List of all programs available for order

Only $10.50 each.

PDF of all CTDM programs

MP3 Archive (NEW)
