Superior Mountain Herbs
Superior Mountain Herbs
Make Check or $ Order out to:
Summer Drey: 24 River Bend Rd. N., Superior, MT 59872
SMART PHONE PAYMENT OPTION: Venmo: Summer-Drey, Cash App: $SummerDrey
SHIPPING: $9-$15 Depending on Products Ordered
Call Summer at Superior Mountain Herbs at 406-274-7579
for a complete list of products, benefits, and costs. / 406-274-7579 (call or text)
American Indian Tea Tincture (Double Extraction) 2oz bottle -NOW ONLY $45!!!!!
This Tincture is typically recommended for those that travel, are unable to drink the Tea in larger quantities at one time, work on the road or who are interested solely in the maintenance value. This is only due to the cost. The American Indian Tea Tincture (double extraction) contains naturally occurring biochemicals called glucanoids and these explain the strong anti-tumor effects of the tea tincture. Polysaccharides are present that seem to imitate interferon and interleukin. It is also an anti-inflammatory as the natural steroids that it produces, are useful in the treatment of arthritis and painful autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. The Tea Tincture is also an overall body detox. The dietary fibers that are chitinous substances are present in large quantities. These components have a chelation/absorption effect on any toxic material/metals that is left in the bowels and this helps hasten the removal of these toxins. It’s been studied through many observations that when drinking the Tea Tincture, the body’s reaction is to produce massive amounts of neutrophils and lymphocytes and other white blood cells. These WBC are expecting to locate an infection and they are programmed to kill only those that have the markers that they recognize as an enemy!
Superior Daily Greens Capsules (100 caps)-NOW ONLY $17!!
The Superior Daily Greens acts as a superfood as it's a synergistic blend of plant foods that is a complete green supplement packed with all the vitamins, minerals & enzymes that our bodies use for optimum health. Helps with anemia, bad LDL levels, thyroid issues, low energy, it's a natural heavy metal chelator, can protect against radiation and remove it from the body and more.
Superior Sea Grass (100 caps)- NOW ONLY $14!!!
Nature’s iodine, Kelp, is high in antioxidants, including carotenoids and flavonoids, which help fight against disease-causing free radicals. Kelp consists of antioxidant minerals, such as manganese and zinc, to help combat oxidative stress and may help protect cardiovascular health and prevent cancer according to Healthline. It has proven to be helpful for those with thyroid issues too! Recent studies have explored the role of sea vegetables in estrogen-related and colon cancers, osteoarthritis, and other conditions. Results suggest that kelp may help slow the spread of colon and breast cancers.
American Indian Salve (2oz. jar)-NOW ONLY $38!!!
Typically used on suspicious looking spots on the skin, or skin cancer, the American Indian Salve is handmade with precious oils that help prevent the spread of abnormal/cancer cells. One woman used it on a breast cancer mass 3-4 times per day (along with the Indian Tea and Boosters) and within two weeks, the mass fell out and into her gauze!